Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Feel It In My Bones

I must have started at least five new posts in the past month and a half-ish, and failed to complete them.
I just...can't bring myself to address some unknown entity that may or not be lurking on my blog, reading inner thoughts that I blather blather occasionally. Why even have a blog? Because, I feel like I'm forgetting things, you know?

Like I'm forgetting things that should be important to me, and at one point were important to me, things that I always thought I would be, things I always wanted to be, things that were so completely vital to my being that I thought I would be swallowed if I didn't keep them in check, close to my feelings.
I think I just can't be bothered to care about those things any more.

And the strangest thing is that I'm not even bothered by the fact that I can't be bothered.
Maybe this is maturing, yeah?

Maybe it's the teenage apathy I was supposed to have begun experiencing long before now.
Maybe, as it seems to always turn out to be for me, maybe it's a combination of them both.

I can't be bothered to figure it out.
Even this is a waste of time.

I really am turning into a teenager, ugh.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Particle Man

Hey, you!
I haven't written for a while. I feel bad.
I'm another year older, I suppose. But my birthday consisted of going over to my grandparents' house, not being able to talk to any of my friends, and watching Tin Man. Kind of crap. I miss everyone. 
miss everyone.
miss everyone.
miss everyone.
miss everyone.
miss everyone.

Who is this person, and what have they done to my social life?
I'm having trouble thinking, my head is jumbled
and concentration is impossible.